Staff Training
"There is a need for continuous professional development for staff that makes it clear that promoting good mental health is the responsibility of all members of school staff and community, informs them about the early signs of mental health problems, what is and isn’t a cause for concern, and what to do if they think they have spotted a developing problem” - Department of Education, 2014​
In response to the increasing number of young people experiencing mental health issues, there is a need for staff in schools and youth organisations, to be prepared to work with a young person who is experiencing difficulties. LTMH offers mental health training which is delivered in house, and again can be customised to suit your needs.​
The introduction to mental health training package addresses the following learning objectives, but again can be customised where needed;
What is mental health​
Why do mental health issues arise
Common types of mental health issues
What are the challenges facing young people today
How can we spot early warning signs in young people
What can we do to support young people to build resilience (practical strategies for supporting a young person)
What do we do if we are concerned about a young person
Where can we signpost young people to get support
Taking care of our own mental health
This training workshops could suit a delivery slot at the end of the school day or during an inset day. LTMH are also happy to develop and deliver training on specific mental health conditions by individual request.
As above, the cost of training will vary dependant on the size of the group, the level of customisation, and the travel that is required to reach the school. If you would be interested in discussing this further, please do get in touch.