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Resources for Children & Young People

Below are a collection of resources relating to young people's wellbeing, some specifically relating to Covid-19, and some produced before this time. If you would like to download the resources via the original source, please click on the image to be taken to the file online. If you have any issues accessing these resources, please do get in touch via email and we will be able to send you the file directly. Additionally if you have any questions about the resources, or if you want to enquire about other topic areas, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Explaining Coronavirus to Children

Coronavirus For Children.png
Many Ways to Share a Hug.png
Stay Home Superheroes.png

Emotional Literature

Emotion wheel.png
Anger Iceberg.png
My Feelings Chart.png
Draw feelings.png
Anger thermometer 2.png
Understanding Your Child's Anxiety - GoZ

Coping Strategies and Therapeutic Activities

Calm down with star breathing.png
Positive journal 2.png
Grounding with 5 senses.png
YP CBT .png
Worry tree.png
Positive jar.png
Feelings Bin.png
Write a letter.png
Happy Place.png

©2020 - Clare Elizabeth Rowland

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